Monday, October 19, 2015

A Technique For Animals

A very good technique ( non traditional Reiki) for all creatures great a small.

 I learned the following technique from Lisa McKenzie, Animal Communicator and Energy Healer. You may use this on any creature great or small, wild, or domesticated, frog, dog, cat, bird, lizard, penguin, tiger, whales, or any other creature you would like to assist in healing or comforting.
Reiki has hand positions which bring awareness to different parts of the body. This is very similar to Reiki. The hands do not touch the body in this technique and any level of Reiki or non-Reiki can use this technique long distance.
Do not get hung up on details because you can not get this wrong. Improvise where you do not see a tail and if it was cropped just go to where you think it would end. The treatment above the head and down the spine are so comforting to the animals you will see them relax. Also use your imagination and ground them ( imagine roots like a tree growing into the earth's crust deep down) through the legs or fins whatever the case may be. One benefit is, like Reiki, that this treatment is good for you too as you perform it.

Animals have an energy system too.

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Indian philosophy and even western practitioners all agree on a human energy system. These systems also are within animals and in the earth. This energy system effects balance, well-being and health. Below is a link to a very good article on these energy systems

Hand Position
 The position for your hands during the in person treatment is like a church steeple. The hands are clasped together and the index fingers make a steeple like in the picture above.  Your index finger tips will draw lines above the animal beginning  at the nose tip  to points on the forehead, between the shoulder blades, between the hips bones, and to the tip of the natural tail or end of the spine or body. The hands separate at the shoulder blades and hip bones and continue down the legs stopping at the center points of the paws front and back sending deep roots into the earth for grounding. Grounding is also done at the tail. You can also do this with one hand using the index and middle finger.
Animals will respond differently depending on their personality and condition. This you can also perform long distance by imagining a particular animal in your palm or from across the room or standing over the animals. The fingers do not touch the animal. There is a space of about 6" to a foot or more above the meridians.  Move slowly and concentrate on the fingertips. You may feel a sensation of tingling, warm or hot or cold or nothing at gall. Everyone will get a different response. It is all good. Treat an amputated leg or docked tail as it was naturally. The physical part that is gone is still energetically there. 
 Let's begin.
Here is a step by step guide to follow:

1. For remote or long distance:
Imagine the animal or have the animal with you. If you are away from the animal, touch your forehead with the tips of fingers on one hand and breathe to bring your awareness inside. 
On one hand imagine the animal in your palm and work on it there with the two fingers ( index and middle) on the other hand.
 For in person treatment:
  Make your steeple with your fingers ( see above photo). Use it like a magnetic wand.
Begin at the nose tip and run your fingers slowly along the center of the animals eys to the crown (top of head). Hold that position for 1 full breath. Release hands. Continue at each position ( numbered in drawing) as follows. You will always return to the nose.

2. Again begin at the nose tip and draw your magnetic wand up the nose between the eyes through the center of the crown and along the spine to between the shoulder blades  (see illustration 2). Hold for 1 full breath. Separate your hands keeping your index fingers out and draw your magnetic wands down the front legs and hold at the center top of the front paws, pads, hoofs, feet or fins. Note: for remote just separate your two fingers index and middle fingers .

3.While you hold that position, imagine roots growing down, from the pads on the front paws, feet or fins, deep into the earth. ( see illustration 3) Takes 1 full breath and on the exhale and send ( imagine) the roots down into the earth for grounding. Then release hands.
Note: Have you ever seen the roots of an old oak tree? It's roots run very deep.

4. Place your hands together into position again and beginning at tip of nose draw your magnetic fingertips up between the eyes, through the top of the head, down between the shoulder blades, down along the spine to between the hip bones or lower spine and hold there. Take 1 full breath. Remember to relax your shoulders and body.

5. Separate fingers and draw a magnetic line down the back legs to to center of the back paws, pads, hoofs, feet or fins. (see illustration 5) Takes 1 full breath and on the exhale and send the roots down into the earth for grounding. Just use your imagination. Then release hands.

6. Begin again at the nose tip with your hands in the steeple position and draw a magnetic line up between the eyes, crown, shoulder blades, along the spine, between the hips or lower spine, and to the tip of the natural tail or end of the spine. Draw a line down to the earth from that place and send your roots. Remember to take your time breath and use an image. 

Some may feel tingling warmth or magnetic pull as you do this treatment. It is not necessary to feel the energy. Remember to practice and be assured your confidence and ability to relax and enjoy the process will unfold over time.
It may seem strange but wait till you see the results. Do not look for the results just experience them when they occur. Any improvement big or small is a sign to appreciate how we are all connected. Do not try just relax and be in the now with peace of mind that this or something better will manifest.

 I will use our Australian Shepherd, Windy, as an example. Windy is terrified of fireworks and thunder. A flash of lightening will send her right up the nightstand in an attempt to escape the clap of thunder that follows. She drools and pants in a panicked state. We adopted Windy from a rescue at the age of 2 and whatever conditioned her to fear those loud booms, we do not know. However, in using this technique, she experienced a relaxation response which was accumulative, meaning that even after the treatment the benefits of it continued to help her. I have done this technique 3 times on Windy. Twice during consecutive thunderstorms and once during an episode of soreness after a long walk. She loves it! When my fingers trace her meridians (energy pathways) and I come to her little hips she wiggles and snorts like it tickles. As a result Windy is able to function quite well during a thunder storm, firecrackers, and gun shots on our hikes.  She now goes on her own to the bathroom which is away from the lightening flashes and sleeps soundly.
Thank you for visiting Reiki Basics ( page views 13,407 )
Until next time, Enjoy the Reiki principles and your self Reiki treatments.
Deborah Moen RMT Reiki master teacher and mentor
Contact me for questions and information about Reiki.

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