Saturday, August 18, 2018

FREE, The Emotional Code Book, Audio, and Charts

FREE Starter Program The Emotions Code" book, audio, and charts.

When we treat others with Reiki we do not judge, analyze, or diagnose others. We create a vibration of peace and unconditional love within us to radiate an atmosphere of healing. It is our practice of Reiki Self-Treatment that teaches us this patience, unconditional love and peace.
This peace we aspire towards in our practice resonates like the room full of guitars that when you pluck the C string all the other C strings on the guitars begin to vibrate. We can influence restoration and balance in this way for those who are open to it.  Watch Videos at the end of this post on Reiki Self Treatment.

The Emotion Code is a modality separate from Reiki. It seeks out the emotions set in the subconscious from trauma, divorces, even in the womb. It works through muscle testing, and a magnet.which traces the governor channel to dissolve the emotion or block. I think this would be a valuable modality to add to my Reiki practice. And you may want to consider adding this to yours or just learning it to use on its own. 

I just downloaded my FREE book, audio, and chart ! The book is sent to be read on your computer or other E Reader. FYI I am not affiliated with this offer or the Emotion Code. I am an interested Reiki practitioner and spiritual teacher who wants to learn this unique modality. 

Learn about The Emotional Code Free

 just click* on this link.

This is an $85.00 gift for everyone to learn this very effective healing modality. To find out more about The Emotion Code watch this short video. 

 Want to know more about The Emotional Code ? Watch this video.

Thank you for visiting Reiki Basics. (page views 19,413)

Until Next Time,
Let is all continue to practice our Reiki Principles and our Reiki Self Treatments.  See precepts and videos below.

Deborah Moon Moen
Reiki Master Teacher, Ordained Minister,
Spiritual Teacher, Mentor
The Five Reiki Principles are guidelines that everyone can live by, to promote a healthy, loving way of living.
  • Just for today, I will not worry. ...
  • Just for today, I will not be angry. ...
  • Just for today, I will be grateful. ...
  • Just for today, I will do my work honestly. ...
  • Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.

And here are a few videos to show Reiki Self Treatment which anyone can follow and benefit from. Choose the one you like best and use it to practice.