Reiki is a spiritual practice which has 5 principles also called precepts, a daily self care treatment, and treatment for others.  Reiki uses light touch in specific areas on the body. As a practitioner uses light touch on one's self or on others it guides us to go within which connects the mind and body. When we connect mind to body it brings us into the present moment, we let go of the outside world and relax. As we relax we release tension which brings our systems back into balance and because of this improvements have been experienced by many people. Reiki can give us a feeling of peace and harmony. That peace and harmony allows life to flow through us freely and that radiates outward and touches our lives and all our relationships. 

Reiki is a practice that brings our potential energy into our awareness. As we practice Reiki we begin to feel warmth in our hands, movement and sensations stirring within us, we may feel cold or cool or hot. We may even feel pain subside or shift to another location.  We feel these sensations because we are relaxed and more aware of what may have been there all along. We may have been too tense or busy to listen.

Reiki can be a prelude to meditation practice because it is so relaxing.  Giving and receiving light non-invasive touch to ease discomfort or disease has been practiced long before Mikao Usui created the practice of Reiki.  Mikao Usui created a simple regime of easy to use hand positions. He also included powerful principles to live by. Reiki a valuable effective practice that can be handed down from one person to another by sharing the information, ceremony and curriculum of Reiki.

It is through practice and repetition we grow. In time we begin to see results, see a new perspective, reduce stress, chill out, balance our health and well-being, experience good things happening in our life.

Reiki is
  •  making time for yourself and others
  •  disconnecting from the chaos
  • letting go of the repetitive thoughts and the negative "what ifs"
  • adapting new behaviors and attitudes
  • a way towards peace and well-being
  • transforming old limiting beliefs
  • allowing a new perspective

The symbols of Reiki are simply tools to remind you of the universal laws governing every aspect of life. The symbols are just that, symbols. Student learn how to draw them and learn the meanings. The symbols are mysterious looking and the meanings may make no sense to you in the beginning. The discipline in learning them will help you in your discipline in your practice and your help you grow spiritually.

The energy that is spoken of in Reiki has always been in you. The practice of Reiki will make you more aware of your own energy and how you connect to the environment around you. Emotions, are your indicators which will assist you in seeking your practice and principles to help you respond in a way that benefits your well-being.

Usui Reiki is a beneficial practice which anyone can learn.  

Thank you for visiting Reiki Basics (14,316 page views)
Until next time, Practice the Principles of Reiki Daily
Deborah Moon Moen
Reiki master teacher/mentor/practitioner

Contact me here
for classes or mentoring help to answer questions and receive guidance in your Reiki Practice. 

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