Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Reiki Rescue-Anxiety, Fear and Panic

This method is very good for calming the mind and body. You will be surprised how soothing it is to place your hands on your own head. When we become fearful, anxious or panicky, placing one hand on the forehead and the other on the back of the head right on that ridge or occipital ridge
can really take that stressful edge off and send relaxing waves of comfort through the mind and body.

When we get anxious, fearful, rushed we go into a stress response commonly referred to as fight or flight. Our body prepares fror a reaction and our precious functions like digestion, immune system, and even clear thinking goes to the waste side. Blood rushes to our limbs for running and to our muscles for fighting. Placing your hands this way brings the blood back into the cortex so you can think more clearly and also resets the reaction to a relaxation response where your body functions and brain and emotions can return to balance.

While in this position relax your shoulders and take a few deep breaths. Also placing your awareness on the where the hands are touching helps you go within to ground you and give you peace. It is a mind body connection. The attention we have been giving to situations that trigger anxiety or stress will melt away giving your mind time to disconnect and begin the relaxation response. Enjoy the relief you are experiencing.  If holding your arms up is uncomfortable you can place your arms on your lap to do this hold. Use a pillow on your lap or a table to make it comfortable for you.

When you feel relaxed let go and feel the relief and peace. Relax slowly, one at a time; your face, jaw, tongue,  shoulders,  chest,  belly,  hips, legs, ankles and feet. Feel your feet on the floor beneath you. Enjoy the sensations of relief and calm.

This is wonderful self care and may also be shared with clients, family or friends.

To treat another person, have the person you are assisting sit in a chair. Stand on the right or left side of the person, place one hand lightly on their forehead and the other hand lightly on the back of the head. Be sure to become relaxed while you are assisting others. Soft hands, relaxed shoulders, calm mind will enhance the whole experience by creating an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Doing this exercise before treating others is very beneficial for both you and the other person. 

Thank you for visiting Reiki Basics
Until next time enjoy your self care treaments and practice,

Deborah Moen RMT, Mentor and Self-Care Practitioner
 Contact me here 

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