Friday, November 8, 2013

Gall Stones And The Water Blessing

 There are many rituals and ceremonies and methods of blessing our water. I learned the following method from my Feng Shui teacher Master Rev. Elnathan Batoon.

About 10 years ago, I was diagnosed with gall stones and scheduled for surgery. My teacher came to visit me with a liter sized bottle of Fuji water. He sat on the couch and instructed me how to use it.

Blessing Water Instructions # 1
  1. He wrote the words "healing" on the bottle. 

  2. He told me to cover the Fuji bottle of water in a green cloth ( Feng Shui uses the color green for healing). 

  3.  Let it marinate overnight.

  4. I was then instructed to take a sip of it every day before and after my surgery.

  5. When it got down to 1/4 full, I was to replenish the water with distilled water.


I know my teachers were daily practicing Reiki healing and included me in their prayers. I also wrote down Louis Hay's affirmation for healing my body and read it continuously while on the gurney waiting for surgery. The surgeons and anesthesiologist thought it was a 'cute' thing to do.


My results shocked my doctors. I required no pain medication after the first 2 hours of surgery or anytime thereafter. I recovered so quickly that when I went in for my first check up the doctor took a look at where my incisions were and walked backwards with mouth open. "Well, let's say you heal faster than most" he uttered. The cleared his throat and said I could go.


Now that I have learned that water reflects our emotions through Dr. Emoto's book Hidden Messages From Water, experiments and study, I know can intend  communicate with the water. Water is listening and this even applies to the cells in our body and the water in the ocean, and everywhere there is water listening.

Louis Hay Affirmation From her book You Can heal Your Life
Good for after diagnosis, before medical procedures

"In the Infinity of life where I am, all is perfect whole and complete. I recognize my body as a good friend. Each cell in my body has a divine intelligence. I listen to what it tells me, and know that it's advice is valid. I am safe, divinely guided. I am always in my right place. I chose to be healthy and free. I now send ahead helpful energy to my doctors and assistants and other staff to bring about a successful outcome for my treatment. I repeat these affirmations with faith and gratitude and bless my body. Every hand that touches me is a healing hand and expresses only love. My procedure goes quickly and easily and perfectly. All is well in my world." ~ Louis Hay

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  Love and Peace,

Deborah Moen RMT
Contact me here

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